Wed 08 Jan
Definition°°~* Of°°~* Sexy °°~* Sudutive°°~* New Vixen In TowN!!! 24hrs - 23
(Sacramento, Incall & Outcall Downtown I-5)
Big Butt Bombshell 70$ special incall!!! - 21
(Sacramento, Yuba City, Yuba City, Marysville, outcalls)
~( Am@zInG Satisfaction )~ * ~`*~New *~*Sexxy*~* Fun~*~ College Student~*~ - 21
(Sacramento , surroundings)
❌⭕❌🎯🔴 🎯Baby I want 2 be YOUR NAUGHTY GIRL tonight . Come over & see me🎯 🔴🎯❌⭕❌ - 21
(Sacramento, 🎯Sacramento ( incalls )🎯)
💚●Petite TREAT 👑 [[ One-Of-A-Kind ]] 💚●🎀 [[ UPSCALE ]] 💚••💅[[ PLAYMATE]] 💋💋1OO% Rεaℓ - 22 - 22
(City of Sacramento, Elkgrove Greenhaven Natomas Roseville, Sacramento)
Real pic🌀🌀🌀Get touched by me🌀🌀 Only 22 & best body rub. 💆🏼♂️💆🏼♂️💆🏼♂️💆🏼♂️💆🏼♂️ Text me. Pick ur therapist ⏰⏰⏰⏰⏰⏰ - 22
(City of Sacramento, Sacramento, Sacramento antelope area close to 80)
💋Pretty Girl 💋💋Ebony Treat 💋 Incall Special 💋💋💏💋💏💋 - 23
(Citrus Heights-Madison (Sunrise)*Incall*, Sacramento)
* |NEW to the Area!!| * [SEATTL'S BEST] [NW BUSTY Naughty Native] >> 100 SPECIALS
(Sacramento, Rancho Cordova / Sacramento)
New~Korean~ Girl *6264206002* $120/hh,160/hr .100/15Minutes !! - 25
(City of Sacramento, ELK GROVE, Sacramento)
Hot,Steamin Mixed Cutie, Always Ready! Im avab Anytime,just Call me! Super Rates. - 23
(Sacramento Area! in/outcalls!)
💥💥 GORGEOUS & Curvaceous 💥💥 Blue Eyed Brunette BOMBSHELL 💥💥 - 24
(Sacramento, Sac, Elk Grove, Natomas, Folsom, Auburn)
Gorgeous Latina, Mixed Ready to be your new playmate! - 19
(Sacramento, Natomas,Arden ,west sac,downtown)
💠 EAST INDiAN HOTTiE 💠 Outcalls To You😘 Sweet🍭 Sensual ✨ Sedutive💋 CALL ME NOW!! - 22
(City of Sacramento, Natomas Arden ElkGrove Folsom Roseville, Sacramento)
>>(*S* -W- *E* -E- *E* -T-) ♥ (*A* -N- *D*) ♥ (-A- *D* -D- *D* -I- *C* -T- *I* -V- *E*) - 21
40quick visit special 💋💋💋💋💞💖💕💓 - 22
(City of Sacramento, Sacramento, Sacramento and all surrounding areas)
2girls only available RIGHT now specials - 24
(City of Sacramento, Sacramento, surrounding areas of sac)
satisfactory is a must im best at what i do incall specials come play 💋⭐💎🌹🍭🍬 - 21
(Sacramento, Rancho Cordova area an folsom)
❣🍒🍒🍒❣ LaTe NiGHT 100Hhr OUTCALL ONLY SPECIALS❣🍒🍒🍒❣RiLeY RyDeR iS WaiTiNG 2 CoMe OvER☎️✔️☎️☎️☎️✔️ - 22
*☆* =J_U_S_T= {bLoNde} =W_H_A_T= {5★ SeRvIce} =Y_O_U= {'n bUsTy} =W_A_N_T= *☆* - 33
(Sacramento, ☆ =Sacramento=)
IM BACK!✳ Habla Espanol!🆓 After Session Clean up & Refreshments!!☝ Come To Wonderland!! - 20
(Sacramento, Yuba City)
🌸ᎪᏢᎡYᏞ🌸{uℓtiℳαtε √¡ρ}★•°💦💋°•★New Exotic Brunette Hottie★•°💦💋°•★🌸{uℓtiℳαtε √¡ρ}🌸ᎪᏢᎡYᏞ🌸 - 23
(City of Sacramento, Highway[880 } San Jose ✨INCALL 💕, Sacramento)
HoT!! SeXy!! FuN!! ♥ M_i_X_e_D*2*Girl T_r_E _a_T ♥ _E_x_O_t_I_c_ * _D_e_L_i_T_e_ ♥ _I_n_C_a_L_l - 30
(Sacramento, Sacramento Incall/Outcall Special's)
~>{*VeRy aDDicTiNg eXoTiC BLoNDE SPiNNeR $100 SPeCiaL*}
(Sacramento, 360*843*8004 Sacramento incall NO TXT)
~~>{MiSs LoLa BuGaTTi #1 uLTiMaTe CoMPaNioNsHiP EXpeRieNCe!! BLoNDe PeTiTe PLaYMaTe}
(Sacramento, 360*843*8004 Sacramento incall NO TXT)
**E L I T E** Sensual Companion: Gentlemen Only 916-800-3697 - 24
(Sacramento, Sacramento & all Surr. Areas upscale)
70Specials ✨ Sweet Petite Ebony Freak ✨ HOT&READY; ❕❗️ - 22
(Sacramento, outcalls Galt Carmichael roseville davis)
█ ❤ L✪ ✪K ❤ █ Tall blonde nice n` SeXy (ItAlIA) 110% BaRbIe body ☆ SeDuCtIvE ElEgAnCe █ ❤L ✪ ✪K .❤ █ - 25
(Sacramento, Sacramento incall/outcall)
Tue 07 Jan
█ █ •••• █ ▓► ♡NEW ♥ ♡ EXOTIC ♡ ♥ ♡ AND ♡ ♥ CUTE ♡ ♡ ♥ ♡ Panamanian◄▓ █ •••• █ █Special - 22
(Sacramento, sacramento , natomas , north sac rosevil)
💥💥💋💋 YOUR NEW ADDICTION 💋💋💥💥 Real Pics 📸📸📸 BBW treat 🍦🍬🍭🍰 The ABSOLUTE Best 🏆🎀💫 - 24
(City of Sacramento, Elk Grove, Natomas, Roseville, Sacramento)
specials...... sexy.. tall.. had the rest......time for the best .... outcalls only - 22
(Sacramento, outcalls all over Sacramento)
**SPEC!@L Hh 100***AVAIlableE NOW***SexY BluE EyEd BRUneTTE .... INCALLS ONLY💕💕💕💕💕💕💕 - 28
(Sacramento, Madison 80)
🍒Sexy East Indian🍒in call out call special 🍒 - 22
(City of Sacramento, Natomas/ Sacramento, Sacramento)
(QCK SPCL) 100hhr👍 ✨ REAL ✨ 👌 Sexy 👅 ✨ UN-forgettable 👀 ✨ 😍MESMerizing 😘✨ CARMEL ✨👯 BEAUTY - 22
(Sacramento, Sacramento incall special)
(( NEW)) Golden Bblonde: -( ;-) Incall SPECIALS ALL NIGHT!!!! - 19
I Can Please You Better Than Anyone 😍😍 100% REAL PHOTOS - 20
(City of Sacramento, Outcalls around Sacramento, Sacramento)
H I G H L Y—————$8o———— ஐ Q U A L I F I E Dஐ ———— $8o——— S E D U C T R E S S - 100% ReaL PhoToS - 22
(Sacramento, Natomas Upscale Incall off Hwy 80)
AVAILABLE NoW !!! °o ♥ o° ———SeXY —(( ✰ PLaYMATE ➓ ✰ )) —TiME oF YoUR LiFe——GUARANTEED - 21
(Sacramento, UPSCALE incall ... Arden area)