i'M tEnDeR..& i'M eVeRy BiT aS GoOd aS i LOoK.i'M The TyPe oF GiRl CouLd sPeNd a FeW HouRs WiTh. OuR TiMe ToGeTheR iS aLwaYs aBouT u & uNRuSheD. eVeRyThiNg WiTh Me iS cLeaN BuT eXaCTlY WhaT u WaNT. iF uR aN uPsCaLe GeNTleMeN wHo pReFeRs The FiNeR ThiNgS iN LiFe.. TheN i'M The PeRFeCT pLaYMaTe FoR u. aSk iF My PiCTuReS aRe ReaL.. YES! 100% Me. BeaUTy & bRaiNs aLl wRaPpeD uP iN oNe LiTTle PaCkaGe WaiTiNg To Be uNwRaPpeD. xoxoxo ;9162674658; JAZZY
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- City : Sacramento
- Poster's age : 28
- Address : Sacramento, I-80 /Madison