Tue 04 Mar
Sat 22 Feb
Sun 26 Jan
Young naughty brunette wants get dirty and play, don't you?INCALLS,OUTCALLS, CAR APPTS! - 24
(Sacramento, Downtown Sac, INCALL,OUTCALL,CAR APTS!)
💕💋🍒 💕 Sweet n Juicy 💕💋🍒 💕 Sneak Away 60💋🍒 Bbw Princess💋 Girl Next Door! - 35
(Sacramento, Sacramento and surrounding areas special)
💍💍💍 Diamond In The Rough 💍💍💍 All American Beauty 💍💍💍 - 23
(Arden Incall & ALL Sac Area Outcall, City of Sacramento, Sacramento)
Sun 12 Jan
Let me appease you, sometimes tease you, and always please you - 38
(City of Sacramento, Downtown incall, ALL SAC outcall, Sacramento)
.♡ ¤ ♡ eXoTiC DrEaM Girl♡ ¤ ♡ GoRgEoUs aNd FuN♡ ¤ ♡BLONDE - 26
(Sacramento, Downtown, Natomas Incall Outcall All Sur)
Sat 11 Jan
new juicy latina incall downtown/outcall early morning specials ready now - 23
(Sacramento, downtown/outcall Sacramento area)
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(City of Sacramento, Sacramento)
Fri 10 Jan
READY NoW!!💞 Downtown Sacramento ♡ DEEP MASSAGE💗100 QK SPECIAL 💖INCALL & OuTcAlL💘 - 25
(City of Sacramento, Sacramento)
ReAdY AnD WiLLiNg To PleAsE!!!!!!! SpeCiAls aVaiLabLe* - 24
(incall downtown sac/ outcall available)
** CLiCK HERE **** IF YoU **** REQUiRE **** THE BEST - 22
Thu 09 Jan
🍬🍰💯% R E A L! 👠 ℰ❌ℂℒUЅiVℰ💄👄 √¡ρ Tяεα†mεη† ☆ 🙈🎀ⓝⓐⓤⓖⓗⓣⓨ 👅💦 5⃣⭐️ Service░ 🍭💕# ❶ ViXeN PLAY - 24
(Sacramento, Sacramento and Surrounding)
UNDeNiaBLe #1 CHoiCe ((GoRgeouS Barbie )) Sexy & Seductive - 20
(Sacramento Rancho Cordova Roseville)
NeW!! 42FF Si hablo espanol______(๏人 ๏)______ Sexy BIG BOOTY BuSty Bombshell ______(๏人 ๏)______ - 22
(City of Sacramento, incall/outcall Elk Grove Arden downtown, Sacramento)
Downtown sac! 10o qk ☆incall/outcall 💋massage💕dance💋 bdsm💕 dbls - 25
(City of Sacramento, Sacramento)
Wed 08 Jan
new juicy latina incall downtown/outcall night specials ready now - 23
(Sacramento, sac,elk grove rancho cord, northighlnd)
new juicy latina incall downtown/outcall night specials ready now - 23
(Sacramento, downtown/outcall Sacramento area)
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(Sacramento, Elk Grove-Florin Incall@ your service)
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(Sacramento, Incall & Outcall Downtown I-5)
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(Sacramento, downtown/outcall Sacramento area)
☻ H A P P Y ☻ ☻ H O U R ☻ AN OFFER U CAN'T REFUSE! - 21
(incall /outcall downtown sac)
💗 Exotic Latina Nyomi -Visiting (415)542-8537💗 - 24
(City of Sacramento, Downtown Sacramento, Sacramento)
Sexy Sweet and Seductive Green eyed Italian 916*696*4858 - 27
(Sacramento, downtown Sac/Incall Or Outcall Available)
Tue 07 Jan
*Sexy* & *Sweet* ALL AMERICAN -Girl- Next- Door! NOW! - 20
(Sacramento, Incall Downtown/Outcall All Over)
Mon 06 Jan
Sat 04 Jan
-:♥:- G°O°R°G°E°O°U°S -:♥:- [ S ] [ E ] [ X ] [ Y ] -:♥:- B°E°A°U°T°Y -:♥:- - 21
(incall /outcall downtown sac)
♥°•*★ ( = F L I R T Y = _ ★ _ = B L O N D E = _ ★ _ = B O M B S H E L L = ) °•*★incalls outcall - 20
(Sacramento, Downtown Sacramento incall outcall)
★iTs CoLd OuTsiDe ☆ LeTs WaRm Up ★ BusTy BLoNdE .6.0. HouR ToDaY oNLy ☆ - 19
👨❤️💋👨 incall Downtown ~ Sexy Latina ~ Outcall 300hr Monica Triple X - 27
(City of Sacramento, Downtown, Sacramento)
Fri 03 Jan