Sun 12 Jan
(~ DanGerOuS CuRveS ~) SPECIALS yoU cAnt iGnOrE ~ LoVeLy ExOtiC & BusTy BeauTy 44F++ 70 SpeCiAlS ++ - 26
(City of Sacramento, Sacramento, Sacramento Howe and cottage way)
Sat 11 Jan
»-(¯`v´¯)70$ 💋💋 - FiRsT NiTe2 PLAY-(¯`v´¯) BLUE EyE'D CUTIE »-( ¯`v´¯) SPECIaLS💋💋💋 - 26
(City of Sacramento, Howe and cottage way residential, Sacramento)
Thu 09 Jan
$70★____ (¯`'•.¸ ♥¸.•'´¯) In♥ cALL♥ SpEcIaLs(¯`'•.¸ ♥¸.•'´¯) $70 - 26
(City of Sacramento, Howe and cottage way, Sacramento)
(~ DanGerOuS CuRveS ~) SPECIALS yoU cAnt iGnOrE ~ LoVeLy ExOtiC & BusTy BeauTy 44F++ 70 SpeCiAlS ++ - 26
(City of Sacramento, Sacramento, Sacramento Howe and cottage way)
Wed 08 Jan
$70★____ (¯`'•.¸ ♥¸.•'´¯) In♥ cALL♥ SpEcIaLs(¯`'•.¸ ♥¸.•'´¯) $70 - 26
(City of Sacramento, Howe and cottage way, Sacramento)